Effect of alcoholic extracts of Punica grantum and Trigonella foenum on E. coli isolated from UTI
E. coli, vitik device, Punica grantum, Trigonella foenumAbstract
This study was conducted to evaluate the inhibitory effects of 10 antibiotics and two types of alcoholic plant extracts (Punica grantum and Trigonella foenum) on E. coli bacteria, where 100 samples were isolated and diagnosed during the period from July 2021 to December 2022 from urinary tract infections of incoming patients. To Salah El-Din General Hospital, all bacterial isolates were planted on nutrient and selective culture media, then they were diagnosed by IMVC biochemical tests, and to confirm the diagnosis, don by Vitik device. E. coli isolates showed 100% absolute resistance to RA and were 88.5% resistant to AK, F, TE (85.7%), GN (80%), NA (65.7%), CIP (57.2%) and TM (51.42). %) and C (25.7%) and The MEM showed high sensitive (100%), E. coli samples were exposed to alcoholic plant extracts of pomegranate peel and fenugreek plant to examine the biological activity on the dish and note the inhibition. Several dilutions of the extracts were made to obtain the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC).
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Copyright (c) 2022 Fatima Mustafa Al-Najar, Hayder Mudheher Abbas, Noor Maath Ahmed

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