Impact of migration on social change: a review study
migration, economy, employment, labour force, rural-urban migrants, dependencyAbstract
The paper highlights that rural to urban migration is the outcome of the rural economy in India being characterized by an uncontrollable and overwhelming expansion in population. In addition, the growth of industries has turned into a barrier to non-farm employment. People are therefore deprived of their fundamental requirements for existence as well as sufficient constructive activity to help them adjust. Particularly in the lives of rural people, this form of crisis fanned the fire of frustration and sadness among the poor, necking them into the pains of poverty and degrading dependence. This paper is based on the exploratory in nature of the research with secondary sources of the collection materials that was acquired from published papers, articles, policy, program and other sources. The result of this paper's precarious issues are a result of economic underdevelopment and development, which have a negative impact on millions of people's modest lifestyles in rural green meadows and forced them to leave their hometowns.
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