Saivism in Western Odisha (India): a historical journey from ancient period
aesthetic, cultural, religion, saivism, western odishaAbstract
Western Odisha is the meeting ground of all religions. The paper finds the fusion of Hindu beliefs and local faiths. Local faiths are found assimilated in the Saivite religion of Western Odisha. Many fairs and festivals are observed in this region that profoundly impact our society. Many kings patronized Saivism along with Vaisnavism and Saktism in this region. So this region became a confluence of Saivism with Vaisnavism and the Sakta cult. As a result, they paid attention to the construction of monuments in different parts of Western Odisha to spread the religion. One thing is noticed that the Thanapatis (non-Brahmin caste) worship Lord Siva in most of the temples of western Odisha. The Saiva worship develops the aesthetic sense in the human mind, and with this sense, they lead a peaceful social life. These Saivite Monuments are the rich legacies of the cultural development of western Odisha. These Salivate monuments are greatly responsible for enriching the art and architecture of Odisha (India) in general and Western Odisha in particular.
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