Sociological dimensions of sustainable development


  • Dr. Sheetal Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, N. K. B. M. G. College, Chandausi, Sambhal, Uttar Pradesh, India


sustainable development, SDGS, millennium development goals, MDGS, social, economic, institutional & environmental dimensions, quality of life


This Research paper focused on how sustainable development from a sociological perspective involves examining how social factors and structures influence and are influenced by sustainable practices. It includes issues such as social equity, community involvement, and the distribution of resources. Sociological dimensions explore how sustainable development can address and be shaped by social inequalities, cultural values, and the role of communities in decision-making processes. The sociological dimension adds at least two sets of elements to sustainable development. In the first place, it provides a number of concepts that help explaining social actions, human relations, the complex forms of sociological organisation, institutionalized arrangements and culture, motivations, incentive and values that shape man’s attitude towards his fellow creature and natural resources. In the second place, it provides social methods for the prompt coordination of social actions and acts as a barrier against harmful behaviour stimulating association, alternative social arrangements and social capital development. It also considers the impact of globalization on social structures and the need for inclusive and participatory approaches to achieve long-term sustainability goals. Sustainable development involves meeting the necessities of the current generation without compromising the capacity of the coming generation to satisfy their own needs. The score of the index of all 17 goals has to be increased by finding a balanced solution to the socio-economic and environmental aspects of sustainable development through inclusion and integration. In the presented research paper, all aspects of sustainable development have been analysed. Which can help in ensuring sustainable and balanced growth prospects.


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How to Cite

Sheetal, “Sociological dimensions of sustainable development”, J. Soc. Rev. Dev., vol. 3, no. Special 1, pp. 74–77, Mar. 2024.