Mode of selection of winners in some reality shows in Ghana: perspective of people in Asante Mampong Municipality, Ghana


  • Selorm Divine Ndah Department of Creative Arts, Seventh Day Adventist College of Education, Koforidua, Ghana
  • Jessica Amoah Department of Creative Arts, St. Monica’s College of Education, Ashanti, Mampong, Ghana
  • Bright Essel Department of Social Science, Komenda College of Education, Komenda, Ghana
  • Sophia Mayona Lamplighter College of Education, Bia, Ghana
  • Elison Kujo Akotia Department of Social Science, Mawuko Senior High School, HO, Ghana


reality show, winners, selection, voting


The focus of the study was to identify some of the reality shows that trend on the Ghanaian media space; hence discuss their impact on society. In addition, to discuss the views of the general public on the issue of voting to select winners in the reality shows. The study being qualitative type adopted the case study approach to conduct the study. Some of the research tools used were questionnaire, interview and observation. The population for the study consisted of the youth within the age range of 18 – 50. The study identified some of the reality shows in Ghana currently as Ghana Most Beautiful, Talented Kids, Mentor, Date Rush. Others are Eba Kids, Date Rush, Nsroma, Celebration, Pulpit, Di asa, Cues and Lyrics. It was revealed that, these reality shows help to educate, inform and entertain society. In addition, the study revealed that, majority of the general public are not happy about the system of voting to select the winners in the show. The paper therefore recommended that, the organizers should find a way of raising funds for the programme without involvement of voting (money) in the selection process.


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How to Cite

S. D. Ndah, J. Amoah, B. Essel, S. Mayona, and E. K. Akotia, “Mode of selection of winners in some reality shows in Ghana: perspective of people in Asante Mampong Municipality, Ghana”, J. Soc. Rev. Dev., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 04–08, Apr. 2023.


