Green biomass and seed production performance of different triticale genotypes in western terai region of Nepal
green biomass, seed yield, production performanceAbstract
A field experiment was conducted at Directorate of Agriculture Research, Lumbini Province Khajura Banke Nepal during winter season from 6th November, 2019 to 30th March 2020 to estimate Green Biomass and Seed production performance of different Triticale Genotypes in western terai region of Nepal. Four triticale genotypes were tested in randomized complete block design with five replications to estimate for plant height, leaf length, leaf width, no of tiller per plant, no of leaf per plant, green biomass yield and Seed yield. There were highly significant variations in leaf width and significant in plant height, no of tiller per plant, no of leaf per plant, Seed yield and non significant variations found in leaf length and green biomass yields which indicated presence of high immensity of genetic variations. The genotypes Winter Max, Bolt and Cracker Jack are superior over other genotypes. They had produced maximum green biomass and seed yield (17.6, 3.562 ton/ha), (21.4, 2.97 ton/ha), (16.2, 1.97 ton/ha) respectively. They had manifested ascendancy in genetic diversity assessment and production performance of different perennial fodders. The high amount of genotypic diversity increased the number of genotypes that may be chosen. According to the findings, superior and ideal genotypes could be used in future breeding programs.
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