Agro-morphological performance of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) in Jumla district of Nepal
genotypes, adaptation, agro-morphological, green bio-massAbstract
A field experiment was conducted at research field of Sheep and Goat Research Program, Guthichaur, Jumla, Nepal during spring season from 18th March, 2018 to 25th July 2018 to evaluate the agro-morphological performance of ryegrass. Ten ryegrass genotypes were evaluated in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Data were recorded for days to germination, plant height, leaf length, leaf width, no of tiller per plant and green biomass yield. The genotypes varied for days to germination and other agro-morphological traits. The genotypes HR prospect (43.8 t/ha), HR Marvei Rick (35.7 t/ha), and Base (35.7 t/ha) produced maximum green biomass yield. They were also found superior for growth, yield and yield attributing traits. The high amount of genotypic diversity increased the number of genotypes that may be chosen. According to the findings, superior perennial ryegrass genotypes could be used in future breeding programs.
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