Case report on alternative therapy for dengue fever
dengue fever, alternative therapy, rashesAbstract
Introduction: Dengue fever is a flavivirus that is spread by arthropods and belongs to the Flaviviridae family. Japanese encephalitis and yellow fever are two more flaviviruses. Dengue fever is caused by four different viruses. Four separate serotypes of the virus cause dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) (DEN 1, DEN 2, DEN 3, and DEN 4). (DHF). Dengue fever is contracted by biting an infected mosquito.
Clinical findings: Abdominal pain, fever, (Temperature 100-degree f) Vomiting, Failure of thrive, Poor eating pattern.
Diagnostic evaluation: CBC Invesgition, Blood test, Hb -10.4gm%, Total RBC Count -4.37million /cu mm, RDW-13.3%, HCT-30.5%, Total WBC Cont-4000 /cu mm, Monocytes- 13%, Granulocytes-65%, Lymphocytes-30%, AST (SGOT)-28 U/L,
Peripheral smear: RBC-Normocytic mildly Hypochromic, with few microcytes, platelets-Adequate on Smear –no Hemiparasites Seen.
Therapeutic intervention: Blood Transfusion, Inj. Amin oven 200mg BD, Cefotaxime 400mg BD IV, Inj. Amikacin 130mg OD, Inj. Metrogyl 90mg BD, Inj. Pantop 10mg OD.
Outcome: After Treatment the child show improvement his frequently And relived Vomiting, fever, and increases the feeding pattern.
Conclusion: My client was admitted to pediatric ward no 16 at AVBRH with a know case of Dengue Disease, and he had complaint of fever and rashes all over the body. After getting appropriate treatment and alternative therapies his condition was improved.
Datta P. Pediatric nursing second edition new Delhi Jaypee Brother Medical Publishers, p301-305
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