Development of canva-based learning media in science subjects at SMP Negeri 7 bitung


  • Muhammad Yusuf Postgraduate Student of Master’s Program in Science Education, Manado State University, Indonesia
  • Masje Wurarah Science Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Manado State University, Indonesia
  • Anatje Lihiang Science Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Manado State University, Indonesia


canva, learning media, science, development


This research addresses the critical need for effective technology integration in the Indonesian education system, focusing on the development and validation of Canva-based learning media for science education. The study utilizes the ADDIE model, emphasizing a systematic approach to analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Education is a fundamental driver of national development, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays a pivotal role in facilitating effective learning. This study addresses challenges in integrating technology-based learning media into the Indonesian classroom context, focusing on the development of adaptable and curriculum-integrated Canva-based learning materials for science education.. Canva, a versatile graphic design platform, is chosen as the medium, catering to the widespread use of smartphones and laptops among students. The study aims to create engaging, accessible, and flexible learning materials aligned with the existing curriculum. Through interviews, it was revealed that conventional teaching methods persist due to challenges in adopting technology post-Covid-19. To address this, the study aligns with the Merdeka Belajar (Independent Learning) initiative, intending to develop Canva-based science learning media accessible both online and offline. The ADDIE model guides the development process, emphasizing systematic and collaborative design. The media undergoes thorough validation by content and media experts, ensuring alignment with learning objectives and visual appeal. Results indicate high suitability for educational use, correlating with established criteria. The study contributes to the evolving landscape of technology integration in Indonesian schools, especially within the Merdeka Belajar framework. The developed Canva-based learning media serves as a practical solution to challenges faced in post-pandemic education, providing an engaging and adaptable tool for science learning.


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How to Cite

Yusuf, M., Wurarah, M., & Lihiang, A. (2023). Development of canva-based learning media in science subjects at SMP Negeri 7 bitung. Journal of Advanced Education and Sciences, 3(5), 26–32. Retrieved from


