Suitability of assessment centres for graduate architects recruitment in Southwest Nigeria


  • Folahan Anthony Adenaike Department of Architecture, Lagos State University of Science and Technology, Ikorodu, Nigeria
  • Ibukun Joseph Talabi Department of Architecture, Lagos State University of Science and Technology, Ikorodu, Nigeria
  • Olusola Adebayo Amusan Department of Architecture, Lagos State University of Science and Technology, Ikorodu, Nigeria
  • El-Hassan Olabode Ariyibi Department of Architecture, Lagos State University of Science and Technology, Ikorodu, Nigeria


behavioural tendency, cognitive ability, evaluation, graduate architects, personality, screening


The hiring of graduate architects especially in the developing world can be very challenging. Organizations are faced with an overwhelming number of applicants who are often qualified with very few openings for them to fill. Contemporary practice in architecture requires more versatile and enterprising individuals to excel. This research set out to investigate the use of assessment centres in the screening process for engaging graduate architects. The investigation was carried out through literature research and administration of questionnaire among firms that hire architects in southwest Nigeria. Findings from the investigations indicate that assessment centres help to identify interpersonal and behavioural tendencies in individuals and may not be enough to singularly screen architects especially those who will carry out designs. The study concludes that assessment centres will give organizations who need architects for interpersonal and more public assignments a better leverage for getting the right fit for recruitment but must come after other screening methods have dovetailed the applicants into a few persons with strong cognitive abilities.


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How to Cite

Adenaike, F. A., Talabi, I. J., Amusan, O. A., & Ariyibi, E.-H. O. (2023). Suitability of assessment centres for graduate architects recruitment in Southwest Nigeria. Journal of Advanced Education and Sciences, 3(3), 24–28. Retrieved from




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