The problem of translating English literary texts into Arabic
translation model, literary texts, problems and difficultiesAbstract
After the researcher presented the important ideas of this research, we can understand that the translation process. It is not easy and requires a specialized person with extensive experience. And if linguistic proficiency is considered one of the necessary basics necessary for a person to translate an expression, sentence, paragraph, or text, then talent, culture, knowledge, the quality of education that the translator obtained, and practice and continuous training are what refine the translator’s skills, and work on his maturity and crystallizing his personality as an innovator, creator, and discoverer. He has the ability to discover the role and treasures of the language from which he is transcribed, and to put them in their correct places in the language he is transcribing to. There are some difficulties and problems that the translator encounters when he performs the translation process, especially literary texts from English into Arabic.
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