Knowledge and attitude of female genital mutilation among mothers living in afao community, Ekiti state


  • Akinola Funmilayo Victoria Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria
  • Ogunlade Taiwo Victoria Department of Nursing, Federal Teaching Hospital, Ido- Ekiti, Nigeria
  • Nasiru Habib Kayode Department of Statistics, University of Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria
  • Nasiru Monsurat Ololade Department of Human Physiology, University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria


female genital mutilation, obstetrical complications, clitoris, labia minora, clitoridectomy


This descriptive study was carried out to find out Knowledge and Attitude of Female Genital Mutilation among mothers in Afao Community Ekiti, Ekiti State. The broad objectives were to access the knowledge and identify the attitude of the respondents towards Female Genital Mutilation. Findings of this study can be utilized by the government. Sample size of 110 was used. The instrument for data collection was structured questionnaire using simple random sampling techniques. The data were analysed using statistical package (SPSS) version 12. Research findings shows that 60% of respondents accepted that the female child must not undergo FGM, 53% of the respondents have heard information on Female Genital Mutilation, 70% respondent have good attitude towards the Female Genital Mutilation, 66% of the respondents say no to the circumcision of female child, 60% of the respondents said the practice is acceptable in their culture, 35% of the respondents supported the practice. It was concluded that Mothers living in Afao Ekiti have good attitude toward it. Though a good percentage of the respondents have knowledge about FGM, but some of them do not practice it because of their cultural believe. The recommendations are that there should be more awareness about female genital mutilation.


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How to Cite

Victoria, A. F. ., Victoria, O. T., Kayode, N. H., & Ololade, N. M. (2022). Knowledge and attitude of female genital mutilation among mothers living in afao community, Ekiti state. Journal of Advanced Education and Sciences, 2(4), 112–23. Retrieved from




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