A study of phytosociological attributes of shrubs plant resources in nallamalais
biodiversitty, nallamalla, diversity, shrubs, TNIAbstract
Biodiversity is essential for human survival and economic wellbeing and for the ecosystem function and stability.forest in India are considered as a source of livelihood for forest department people, as repository of rich biodiversity and source of timber for industries. Nallamalla, the study area of the present work is one of the 234 Centres of Plant Diversity of the World. Heavy biotic interference primarily pertaining to over-exploitation of wild plant resources is leading to alarming loss of species population in the study area.The present study is based on ramdom sampling method by quadrates in different vegetation types of Nallamalais & documents the diversity of shrubs plant resources of the forest.The total number of individuals TNI of shrubs in the study site was 606. The total abundance value for all the 37 shrubs is 210.22 which are average of 5.68.
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