Molybdenum improves Sorghum bicolor tolerance to salt stress by regulating the antioxidant system and the heat shock protein 70 expression
antioxidant, molybdenum, oxidative, reactive oxygen species, sorghum, salt stress, heat shock proteinAbstract
Salinity is the most severe abiotic stress affecting crop growth and yield worldwide. Molybdenum (Mo), a micronutrient required in small quantities by plants, has the potential to alleviate effects of stress in plants. This study aimed to determine the mechanism of Molybdenum-induce salt tolerance in Sorghum bicolor using the lowest Mo concentration. Sorghum plants grown on potting soil stressed with NaCl (0 mM - 200 mM NaCl) were treated with 0.5 and 1 µM Molybdenum [(NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O]. NaCl reduced shoot growth and caused severe deformation in the epidermis and xylem layers of sorghum shoots, and these growth attributes were restored by Mo. While chlorophyll content was also reduced by NaCl, proline content increased by 11-fold, and these effects were also reversed by Mo. NaCl-induced oxidative damage was also reversed by Mo, resulting in significantly low levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in 0.5 µM Mo treated plants. NaCl also increased superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities, suggesting a high antioxidant scavenging capacity in sorghum. Mo further increased SOD activity in the roots of control and NaCl-treated plants. APX activity increased in control plants, while a decrease occurred in NaCl-treated plants upon Mo application. The HSP70 expression, which was highly induced by NaCl, was slightly reduced by 0.5 µM Mo and completely reduced by 1 µM Mo. The study concludes that low (0.5 µM) Mo concentrations effectively reduced NaCl-induced oxidative damage by regulating ROS detoxification and the expression of HSP70 thereby restoring membrane structure and improving growth
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Copyright (c) 2023 Thembeka, Kaylin Hendricks, Mulisa Nkuna, Andrew Faro, Ibrahim Zan Doumbia, Rachel Fanelwa Ajayi, Emmanuel Iwuoha, Bongani Kaiser Ndimba, Takalani Mulaudzi

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