Fungal infection of locust beans Parkia biglobosa on sale at wudil and darki markets of Kano State, North Western Nigeria
fungal pathogens, incidence, locust beans, post-harvest handlingAbstract
Experiment was carried out for a period of four months (November, 2017 to February, 2018) to determine the prevalence of fungal infection of locust beans on sale at two popular markets in Kano State, Wudil and Darki using standard microbiological methods, which involved plate culture methods. A total of 67 isolates were counted and recorded which belong to the two species of Aspergillus, Candida albican, Botrytis spp, Penicillium spp and Curvularias spp. The pathogens occur with the following percentage occurrence A. fumigatus (23.88%), A. flavus (19.40%), Candida albican (17.90 %) Penicillium spp (16.41 %), Curvularias spp (13.43%), Botrytis spp (8.95%). More isolates were counted at Wudil market 36 (53.73%), while at Darki market 31 (46.26 %) isolates were recorded. The differences between the isolates counted in the two locations was statistically significant (P>0.001). The result of the study showed that fungal infection of locust beans in the two markets was mainly the result of poor post-harvest handling and also exposure to unfavourable storage conditions.
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