Correlation and path coefficient analysis for seed yield and yield contributing components, phenological and some morphological traits in Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)
safflower, correlation, path analysis, seed yield, yield componentsAbstract
The purpose of this study has been to determine the selection criteria for plant breeders using correlation and path analyses of the safflower plant. The experiment was carried out at the University of Ondokuz Mayıs, Faculty of Agriculture, Fields Crops Department during the season 2017-2019 under winter and summer growing seasons. A randomized complete block with three replications was adopted. The results of our study showed a strong positive significative correlation of seed yield per plant with head weight (0.916), head number (0.908), seed number (0.886), root dry weight (0.841), branch number (0.833), stem dry weight (0.783), plant height (0.704), thousand seed weight (0.485). Days to maturity (0.927), days to rosette (0.670), head number (0.402), stem dry weight (0.359), and head weight (0.343) had the most important positive direct effect on seed yield indicating that these characters will be effective in safflower breeding.
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