Assessment of nutritional problems and dietary behaviors among postmenopausal women in makhdoom rashid rural area of Multan, Punjab, Pakistan


  • Tasleem Akhtar Nursing Instructor, Collage of Nursing, Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Bahawal Purr, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Rashida Jabeen Nursing Instructor, Collage of Nursing, Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Bahawal Purr, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Safia Rohi Principal, Nursing Instructor, Collage of Nursing, Bahawal Victoria Hospital, Bahawal Purr, Punjab, Pakistan
  • Shamim Akhtar Nursing Manager, Children Hospital & The Institute of Child Health Multan, Punjab, Pakistan


dietary supplement, nutritional problem, dietary behavior, balance diet


Aim: To determine the Nutrition problems and Dietary behaviors among postmenopausal women in rural area Makhdoom Rashid Multan.

Study design: Descriptive cross-sectional study design place and duration of study. This study was conducted at the rural area of Makhdoom Rashid Multan, Pakistan from March 2021 to June 2021 for a period of 04 months.

Material and Methods: Participants were selected by purpose convince sampling techniques. After taking informed consent Sample size 101 while 95% is the confidence interval. The questionnaire used to assess the dietary habits of women between the age of 45 to 60 years. Data was entered, and analysis is done through SPSS version 20.

Results: The age of post-menopausal women were 45 to 60 years About 66% women had medical problem 45% of females had arthritis, 25% had hot flushes, 16 % had urinary tract infection, and about 14% vaginal bleeding. The mean energy acquired from the food that they consumed daily was 1291.15 kcal ± 266.61 Around 81.1% women not using any dietary supplement.

Conclusion: Study results showed that food intake practices of menopausal women were not adequate. Menopausal women require psychotherapy regarding balance diet before and after menopause because of the transitional phase in their lives. Health education and preventive guidance of women about menopause should start at the primary health care level, targeting women in their late thirties. Health care providers should reinforce a positive attitude in women and attend to their anxieties and questions.


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How to Cite

T. Akhtar, R. Jabeen, S. Rohi, and S. Akhtar, “Assessment of nutritional problems and dietary behaviors among postmenopausal women in makhdoom rashid rural area of Multan, Punjab, Pakistan”, J. A. Med. Sci, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 18–21, Apr. 2021.


