Epidemiology of burn out in nurses


  • Dr. Gurmeet Singh Sarla Sr. Registrar, 159 General Hospital, Firozpur, Punjab, India
  • Manreet Sandhu 159 General Hospital, Firozpur, Punjab, India


burn out, nurse, nursing profession, work related stress, job stress


Burnout is a state of emotional, physical and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress and the affected person feels overwhelmed, emotionally drained out and unable to meet the constant demands. Professionals in any industry, from teaching to engineering, can suffer from this type of exhaustion caused by unrealistic expectations, lack of sleep and other work-related stressors. However, due to their high-stress work environment, nurses and other medical professionals face a greater risk of burnout. Long working hours, lack of sound sleep, high stress working environment specially in Accident and Emergency department, Operation room and ICU, lack of administrative and professional support from superiors, emotional let-downs of dealing with lower recovery and higher mortality rates and paucity of staff are some of the important causes of burn out in nurses. This article studies and analyses the epidemiology of burn out in nurses and suggests preventive and therapeutic measures for self-care.


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How to Cite

G. S. Sarla and M. Sandhu, “Epidemiology of burn out in nurses”, J. A. Med. Sci, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 12–14, May 2021.


