Potential of amelogenin protein in emdogain as a trigger factor for reparative dentine formation
profound caries, reparative dentin, emdogain, amelogeninAbstract
Background: Profound caries with perforations due to iatrogenic factors should be treated with direct pulp capping (DPC) immediately before infection occurs due to bacterial contamination so that the prognosis will be better. Currently the material that is often used and becomes the gold standard is calcium hydroxide. The author wants to provide a material selection solution for DPC that can reduce tunnel defects, reduce inflammation, form more reparative dentin, and make work easier. One of the materials that have this ability is emdogain.
Aim: This undergraduate thesis aims to explore the potential of amelogenin as the main component of emdogain material in increasing the formation of reparative dentine.
Methodology: Literature search begins by compiling problem, intervention, comparison, and outcome (PICO). The inclusion criteria used were journals published within the last 10 years (2013-2022), types of journals research journals, case reports, and reviews, full paper accessible, and using Indonesian and English.
Results: 44% of the literature supports the efficacy of emdogain as a direct pulp capping material, 72.2% of the literature supports that amelogenin protein can induce the formation of reparative dentin, and 27.7% of the literature supports minimal levels of inflammation/hypersensitivity.
Conclusion: Amelogenin in emdogain has the potential to increase reparative dentin formation by forming initiation signals resembling normal dentinogenesis processes.
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