Assessment of the impact lipoprotein lipase gene variation on the response to rosuvastatin therapy in coronary artery disease patients in Al Najaf Governorate
coronary artery, cholesterol, Al-Najaf governorateAbstract
Background: One of the first line commonly used oral HMG reductase inhibitor is rosuvastatin. The variants of pharmacokinetic genes have not demonstrated a consistent and significant influence on rosuvastatin response in patients with coronary artery, in candidate gene studies. In addition, only few genome-wide signals associated with rosuvastatin pharmacological response have been detected to the present time.
Aim of the study: To study the impact of Hind iii gene single nucleotides polymorphisms (rs 320) on rosuvastatin response in coronary artery disease patients in Al-Najaf governorate.
Patients and methods: The current prospective cohort study included 51 patients with coronary artery disease. The work with the study is dated back to December 2021 to September 2022. The study was carried out at internal medicine department in Al- Sader Teaching Hospital-Najaf- Iraq. The enrolled patients with coronary artery disease have been diagnosed by a cardiologist. The age ranged from 23 to 65 years. The first blood sample was taken at time zero (time of diagnosis without treatment) and the second blood sample was taken after 8 weeks (after starting treatment) for each patient.
Results: The mean serum of triglyceride level, total cholesterol, VLDL-C, LDL-C, interleukin 6 level and mean body mass index (BMI) significantly reduced (p<0.0001). while serum of HDL-C and lipoprotein lipase level significantly increased (p< 0.0001) after treatment with rosuvastatin. The LPL rs320 genotyping was: wild allele (TT), heterozygote variant (TG) and homozygote variant (GG).
Conclusions: In our research heterozygous variant most distributed then homozygous normal and the less distributed was homozygous variant. Rosuvastatin has been shown to be effective in improvement of serum lipid profile, lipoprotein lipase level and interleukin 6 level.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mustafa Mohammed Hussein Mahmood, Dr. Ahmed Jalal Al-Bayati, Khalida K. Al-Kelaby

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