Nursing assessment of cardiovascular system: importance of history taking and physical examination
heart disease, ECG, blood pressure, nursing assessmentAbstract
Assessment of a patient's cardiovascular system is crucial in identifying potential problems, determining a diagnosis, and creating a care plan. The nursing assessment process involves both history taking and physical examination. History taking is important in obtaining information about the patient's past medical history, risk factors for cardiovascular disease, symptoms, and medication use. This information can help to identify potential problems, such as high blood pressure or heart disease, and provide a baseline for comparison during subsequent assessments. Physical examination includes evaluating the patient's vital signs, such as blood pressure, heart rate, and rhythm, and listening to the heart and lungs for sounds that may indicate problems, such as murmurs or crackles. The examination may also involve palpating for peripheral pulses, evaluating for edema, and assessing skin color and temperature. Together, the information gathered during history taking and physical examination forms a comprehensive picture of the patient's cardiovascular system and provides the foundation for an effective nursing care plan.
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