Prudent use of NSAIDs in patients with covid-19, dengue and chikungunya



Pain Management, Cautions with SSRIs, Hypertensive Patients with Viral Fever, Misuse of NSAIDs, NSAIDs in Kidney or Liver-compromised Patients


NSAIDs are most common pharmacological options for pain management, although their use is questionable in many viral diseases like COVID-19, Dengue, and Chikungunya. Newer studies suggest to limit their use in such cases and also reinforces more careful considerations in patients with liver and kidney injuries or concurrent administration with other drugs/nutraceuticals such as antioxidants or SSRIs.


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How to Cite

A. K. Mohiuddin, “Prudent use of NSAIDs in patients with covid-19, dengue and chikungunya”, J. A. Med. Sci, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 12–13, Nov. 2021.


