Effect of video-therapy on depression: implication for academic achievement among students of colleges of education north central, Nigeria


  • Shadrach Alice Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Abuja, Nigeria
  • Professor Hosea Abalaka Apeh Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Abuja, Nigeria


effect, video, therapy, depression


This study examined the effect of video-therapy on depression: implication for academic achievement among students of Colleges of Education North Central, Nigeria. Five objectives were achieved in the study. A comparative research was adopted for this study. Population for this study was 404 NCE (Nigeria College of Education) II in 4 Colleges of Education in the North Central, Nigeria. A sample of 84 NCE (Nigeria College of Education) II depressed students was used for the study. The study used Observation Grid; Computed examination results of the students; and computers, mobile and smartphones for data collection. A pre-test and post-test were conducted for both groups. Data was analyzed using mean and standard deviation and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Findings revealed significant effect video-therapy on the interest of depressed students in academic activities (p=0.000<0.05). Findings also revealed significant effect of video-therapy on reduction in the level of absenteeism and poor attendance (p= 0.000<0.05) Findings of the study revealed significant effect of video-therapy on the resistance to intellectual effort of the students (p=0.000< 0.05). Also, the findings revealed significant increase the socio-affective relationships of students (p=0.001<0.05). Finally, the findings revealed significant effect of video-therapy on academic achievement of students (p=0.000< 0.05). The study concluded that Video-therapy can help depressed students to become psychologically stronger and progress in their academic achievement. It was recommended that school administrators should ensure that video-therapy programs are introduced in the schools to reduce depression among students and enhance academic achievement of depressed students.


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How to Cite

Alice, S., & Apeh, H. A. (2024). Effect of video-therapy on depression: implication for academic achievement among students of colleges of education north central, Nigeria. Journal of Advanced Education and Sciences, 4(4), 16–21. Retrieved from https://dzarc.com/education/article/view/591


