Contemporary muslim educational system: Almajiri, misconceptions and the positive emerging trends in Kontagora, Niger State


  • Hauwau Talatu Yusuf Department of Islamic Studies, School of Secondary Education Arts and Social Sciences Programmes, Federal College of Education, Kontagora, Nigeria


Almajiri, Modern trends, Misconceptions, Education, Zawayah


The Almajiri system of education has been viewed by many Muslims and non-Muslims as a menace in contemporary times. Most people see it as a form of education that the learners become a nuisance to the society as a result of associated begging and other perceived forms of child abuses; despite the fact that most of the Mu’allim do not consent to this unfortunate happening in the society. This paper brings to light some of the misconceptions associated with the Almajiri system of education. It also highlights some of the modern trends in the Almajiri system of education especially in selected Zawayah in Kontagora town of Niger State. Some of the modern trends include establishment of Islamiyyah under the Zawayah, introduction of uniforms, Tajwid classes and certification of learners on graduation. In conducting this research, oral interview was conducted with relevant stakeholders in order to gather adequate information. Some suggestions were proffered at the end of the paper, such as: Muslim intellectuals should conduct fact finding researches on real Almajiri education, rather than banking on conjectures as it is believed that the learners of this system are a nuisance to the society. Also, seminars and workshops should be conducted to enlighten the educators under various Zawayah and Tsangaya to embrace modern trends in teaching of Islamic religious studies in order to meet up with contemporary ways of acquisition of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Yusuf, H. T. (2024). Contemporary muslim educational system: Almajiri, misconceptions and the positive emerging trends in Kontagora, Niger State. Journal of Advanced Education and Sciences, 4(4), 11–15. Retrieved from


