Effectiveness of asynchronous method in learning mathematics
asynchronous method, blended learning, new normal education, online learning, synchronous methodAbstract
The study investigated the perceptions of the Bachelor of Secondary Education 3rd year Mathematics Major students of Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology–San Isidro Campus, second semester of academic year 2021-2022 on the effectiveness of asynchronous method in learning mathematics. The study used a total 41 Mathematics major students.
Most of the Mathematics student-respondents are 21 years old and females; use android phones and smart phones in distance learning and depend on mobile data rather than WIFI for internet connectivity. The student-respondents agreed that asynchronous method in learning mathematics subject has brought them advantages. This means that respondents coped up with this method of learning since it has been implemented and utilized for two years now.
There is no significant relationship between the profile of the student-respondents and their perceptions on the effectiveness of asynchronous method in learning mathematics subject. There is also no significant difference between the profile of the student - respondents and their perceptions on the effectiveness of asynchronous method in learning mathematics subject.
This study suggested that regardless of the profile of the students, one can be as effective and efficient in learning mathematics subject through asynchronous method. This also suggest that age, gender, gadget used in distance learning and type of internet connectivity have no relationship with the assessments of students in the effectiveness of asynchronous method in learning mathematics subject.
This study also implies that regardless of age, gender, gadget used in distance learning and type of internet connectivity, student-respondents have the same assessments on the effectiveness of asynchronous method in learning mathematics subject.
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