Biogenic Silver nanoparticles production and antimicrobial activity of Rubus allegheniensis leaf extracts
nanotechnology, Rubus allegheniensis, uv-visible spectrum, antimicrobial activityAbstract
Biogenic syntheses of silver nanoparticles using plants and their pharmacological and other potential applications are gaining momentum owing to its assured rewards. Silver nanoparticles possess unique properties which find myriad applications such as antimicrobial, anticancer, larvicidal, catalytic, and wound healing activities. This work is aimed to unveil the phytomediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles from Rubus allegheniensis and its significant phytochemical and antimicrobial applications. The extract of Rubus allegheniensis, placed in a concentrated aqueous solution of AgNO3, resulted in the reduction of the silver ions and formation of silver nanoparticles. The UV-visible spectroscopy showed the synthesis of nanoparticles. Further the antimicrobial activity was determined.
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