Effect of behaviour modification strategy (positive reinforcement) in reducing truancy among public senior secondary school students in federal capital territory, Abuja
behaviour modification, positive reinforcement, truancyAbstract
The study examined the effect of behaviour modification strategy (positive reinforcement) in reducing truancy among public senior secondary school students in Gwagwalada Area Council, FCT-Abuja. The study adopted the use of quasi-experimental research design. The population of the study comprised of 83,647 SS II students in Gwagwalada Area Council. Simple random sampling technique was used in selecting 261 students. Findings showed that there was significant effect of positive reinforcement in the rate of truancy reduction of the experimental group exposed to the treatment (t = 2.781, p = .000); there was no significant effect of positive reinforcement in the rate of truancy reduction of male and female experimental group exposed to the treatment (t = 2.442, p = .741); and there was significant difference in effect of positive reinforcement in the rate of truancy reduction of rural and urban experimental group exposed to the treatment (t = 1.108, p = .000). Based on the finding the study recommended that teachers, school principals and counselors should be train and retrain on positive reinforcement technique in order to address the problem of truant behaviour among secondary school students in Gwagwalada Area Council, FCT-Abuja.
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