Expired drugs: statistics, factors and mitigation strategies of med-gate pharmaceuticals and tan pharmacy up to 31/07/2021
expired drug, FIFO, FEFO, key informants (KI)Abstract
Background: Expired drugs are a route to significant financial losses, but most factors leading to expiry are avertable. These drugs should be safely disposed of. This short communication aims to establish the statistics, factors, and mitigation strategies of Med-Gate Pharmaceuticals and Tan Pharmacy up to 31/07/2021.
Methods: Expired drug data were collected utilizing a stock-taking sheet and analyzed by a Point of Sale (PoS) system. Key informant interviews were used to establish reasons for expiry. Content analysis was used to examine qualitative data.
Results: The estimated cost of expired drugs and their disposal amounted to Kenya Shillings 49, 772.49/=. The main reason for expiry was poor stock control practices such as not implementing First in First Out (FIFO), First Expired First Out (FEFO), and overstocking. Landfill and waste encapsulation were the primary methods of disposal.
Conclusions: Implementing good stock control practices such as FIFO and FEFO, quantifying drug needs using morbidity and consumption methods, stock inspection during delivery, not accepting short-dated stocks, and ordering drugs from suppliers that accept return of short-dated stock are highly recommended to minimize wastage through expiry.
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Copyright (c) 2022 David Nyagah, Aldress Njagi, Milcah Nyaga

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