Assessing entrepreneurial environment: an issue for social-cultural factors in education and tourism development
entrepreneurial, social-cultural, business, environment, development, tourismAbstract
People's behavior patterns are shaped by their socio-cultural context, which is considered as a set of shared values. The impact of social and cultural variables on business growth has received little attention. The study's goal is to evaluate the entrepreneurial environment for tourist growth, with a focus on sociocultural issues. A qualitative content analysis was used in this research. Textbooks, periodicals, the internet, and other publications were used to gather secondary data. The findings show that environmental drivers of entrepreneurship, particularly social and cultural elements, are important to entrepreneurship since new ventures emerge as a result of the interaction between environmental conditions and entrepreneurial actions. The research stated that the government should develop education policies that address not just classrooms and educated people, but also the less educated and those who live in rural areas.
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