Model study of character formation of young people as students through christian education in the faculty of theology Indonesian Christian University in Tomohon GMIM Foundation Dominee Albertus Zakarias Runturambi Wenas


  • Maria Elisa Tulangouw Faculty Theology, Christian University of Indonesia, Tomohon, North Sulawesi, Indonesia


model study, character formation, students, christian education


This research discusses the study of models for the formation of the character of young people as students at the Faculty Theology UKIT, especially for undergraduate students who are studied. The character development of young people has indeed started from within the family and continued in the tertiary stage through the campus Faculty Theology when they study and choose the Faculty Theology. Young people, namely students, form their character through a long process of facing various struggles in the academic world, so the character formation is centered on the exemplary character of Jesus Christ and is based on the teachings of God's Word in the Bible. The spiritual life of young people who are diligent in praying and reading the Bible and if God wills, will become a Reverend in the future, really needs a comprehensive model of character formation so that they can become intellectually, emotionally and spiritually intelligent ministers. Researchers used literature books and a qualitative method approach to find the meaning of this character building study. The result of this research is to find a model of character formation for students of the Faculty of Theology which is appropriate and can then be used and useful in strengthening and instilling Christian Education Character values that can be used on an ongoing basis by young people, namely students so that they are ready to serve God in all circumstances.


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How to Cite

Tulangouw, M. E. (2023). Model study of character formation of young people as students through christian education in the faculty of theology Indonesian Christian University in Tomohon GMIM Foundation Dominee Albertus Zakarias Runturambi Wenas. Journal of Advanced Education and Sciences, 3(5), 33–37. Retrieved from


