Study association between vitamin d3 with liver function and kidney in student


  • Israa Ali Hussein Department of Chemistry, College of Science, Karbala University, Karbala, Iraq


vitamin d3, kidney, liver and other functions


This investigation examined how much vitamin D3 students in the Education of Education have in relation to their liver and kidney health. In 2023, 90 samples (20–30 years old, 52 men, and 38 women) were gathered.1.12 - 2018.2.12. The measurement of (Vitamin D3, Urea, Uric acid, Creatinine, AST and ALT) was completed in this study. Each parameter has been divided into two categories based on its vitamin D3 status. Vitamin D3 samples that fall into the first group G1 are those that have an adequate amount, whereas samples that fall into the second group G2 have insufficient levels of the vitamin. The findings were as follows: Vitamin D3 levels significantly decreased in deficient patients when compared to sufficient subjects (P 0.05). Females and rural participants both had greater rates of vitamin D3 insufficiency than males and urban subjects. While there was no discernible variation in ALT level between G1 and G2 samples, there was a substantial rise in ALT enzyme among G2 samples when compared to G. There were no discernible variations in the levels of urea, uric acid, or creatinine between the two groups.


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John P. Forman, Instructor in Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospita, 2017.




How to Cite

Hussein, I. A. (2023). Study association between vitamin d3 with liver function and kidney in student. Journal of Advanced Education and Sciences, 3(5), 08–14. Retrieved from


