Assessing the prevalence of fasciolosis among ruminants slaughtered in abattoirs of Niger state


  • Mohammed Gambo Department of Animal science, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology (KSUSTA), P.M.B 1144, Aliero, Kebbi State, Nigeria
  • Muftau Misbau Alaba Department of Animal science, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology (KSUSTA), P.M.B 1144, Aliero, Kebbi State, Nigeria
  • Isyaku N. T. Department of Animal and Environmental Biology, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology (KSUSTA), P.M.B 1144, Aliero, Kebbi State, Nigeria


fasciolosis, ruminants, Niger state


A study was carried out to investigate the prevalence of fasciolosis among slaughtered ruminants in abattoirs of Niger state. A total of one thousand one hundred and fifty-two (1152) samples of fecal, bile and liver were collected. A formal-ether technique was employed to analyze the samples. The results obtained indicated higher rate of infection among sheep (13.8%) than cattle and goats. The breed, sex and age of the animals influenced the prevalence of the fasciolosis with Sokoto Gudali having the highest value (18.9%) than other cattle breed; and Uda have the highest rate (20.2%) than other sheep breed. Sahel goat has the highest (60%) than another goat breed. Higher rate of infection was observed among the male across the experimental species; cattle (25%); sheep (25.8%); and goat (12%) than the female ruminants. Young ruminants were more infected across the experimental species; cattle (13.6%); sheep (16.4%); and goat (6.5%) than the older ones. The impact of fasciolosis can be seen in the loss of weight, reduction of meat quality and quantity, economic loss to farmers and butchers and the zoonotic effect to the consumers. There should be an adequate animal inspection at ante-mortem level and grazing of animals should be avoided along swampy areas.


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How to Cite

Gambo, M. ., Alaba, M. M., & Isyaku N T. (2023). Assessing the prevalence of fasciolosis among ruminants slaughtered in abattoirs of Niger state. Journal of Advanced Education and Sciences, 3(4), 34–40. Retrieved from


