Promoting social values in building social interaction among inter-ethnic students in a multicultural senior high school in Indonesia
promoting social values, social interaction, learners ethnicAbstract
This research aims at analyzing and explains the socialization of social values in social interaction strengthen inter- ethnic learners at Senior High School (SMA) Karuna Dipa Palu, Indonesia. The method used is descriptive qualitative-phenomenological. This research aims at describe the systematic, objective and actual to the object under study. The focus of research is the socialization of social values in building a close social interaction and familiar. Sources of data obtained from informants, the leadership and the board of trustees, teachers, learners, administrator's intra-school student organization (OSIS) and parents of learners, through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that; the closeness of social interaction between ethnic learners in SMA Karuna Dipa Palu is going well because based on social values, such as the value of pluralism, values diversity, democratic values, values of humanism, solidarity and tolerance values agreed upon and executed together. Social values were disseminated through learning activities in the classroom, extra-curricular activities, social and religious activities. The teachers and administrators of the council have a social role in disseminating social values.
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