Post traumatic growth inventory: measuring the positive legacy of trauma on adolescences
post traumatic growth, trauma, adolescentAbstract
Post traumatic growth is one of the terms to describe the positive changes resulting from the struggle with trauma which emphasizes the potential transformation of one's experience after experiencing a traumatic event (Meyerson, Grant, Carter, dan Kilmer. 2011). Tedeschi and Calhoun (1996) stated that what is important in the formation of post traumatic growth is the upheaval that occurs as a result of a traumatic event, and it is not specifically determined what traumatic event is needed. Growth in post traumatic growth does not occur as a direct result of a trauma, but as a result of the individual's struggle to accept his new reality (Tedeschi and Calhoun, 2004). Tedeschi and Calhoun (1996) measure the positive changes that occur in victims of traumatic events in five domains, namely increased appreciation of life, closer and more meaningful relationships with others, awareness of inner-strength or positive aspects they have, awareness of choices or new possibilities in life and changes in the spiritual aspect. Testing of the measuring instrument was carried out on 33 individuals (age range 15-22 years) to test the readability of the measuring instrument which had been translated from English into Indonesian. After measuring instrument on 33 individuals (age range 15-22 years), we found that at least there are 4 items, namely item numbers 1, 2, 10, and 19 which have a correlation coefficient (r) below 0.2.
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