First recording and molecular identification of two basidiomycetous macrofungi from Mosul/ Iraq


  • Rawaa Mohammed Jarjees Northern Technical University/Mosul Technical Institute, Mosul, Iraq
  • Talib Owaid Al-Khesraji Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Sciences, Tikrit University, Salahadin, Iraq
  • Shimal Younis Abdul-Hadi Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Sciences, Mosul University, Mosul, Iraq


basidiomycota, Poplus euphratica, mycelia, Mosul/Iraq


In this study, referred to two of macrofungi (Basidiomycota): Abortiporus biennis (Polyporales) and Inocutis Levis (Hymenochaetales). The first one type of fungus has been collected from Al- Kubaa area located 13 km northwest Mosul. And the fungus Inocutis Levis was collected from Al-Nimrud district, located 37 km southwest Mosul, Iraq. These fungi were described based on their morphological and microscopic characteristics. The samples were molecularly identified by DNA sequencing data. These macrofungal species are recorded for the first time from Iraq.


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How to Cite

Jarjees, R. M., Al-Khesraji, T. O., & Abdul-Hadi, S. Y. (2023). First recording and molecular identification of two basidiomycetous macrofungi from Mosul/ Iraq. Journal of Advanced Education and Sciences, 3(1), 01–07. Retrieved from




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