Influence of external factors of adolescents’ popularity on academic performance of students in secondary schools in Baringo North Sub-County, Kenya
academic, achievement, external, student, baringoAbstract
Adolescence is a stage during which individuals tend to be highly concerned with their social status in groups. Adolescents may desire to be popular among their peers but at the same time concentrate on their academic performance. This study sought to determine the influence of external factors of adolescents’ popularity on academic performance among students in secondary schools in Baringo North Sub-county. Ex-post facto design was applied in the study. Purposive, proportionate and simple random techniques were used to obtain the sample for the study. The target population was 8694 secondary school students. Out of this, 383 students were sampled. Data was generated by using students’ questionnaires. The study employed both descriptive and inferential statistics. Pearson correlation coefficient and simple and multiple linear regression analysis was conducted at significant level of α= 0.05. Data analysis was done with the aid of Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 26. The study established that external factors of adolescents’ popularity had a positive significant influence on academic performance of students in secondary schools in Baringo North Sub-county with correlation coefficients of (r = 0. 760, p < 0.05). The findings can be considered significant to school administrations and teachers as they may utilize external factors of adolescents’ popularity to improve academic performance of students in school since they positively affect students’ academic performance.
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