Morphological, anatomical, palynological phytochemical, and molecular characterization of Achillea millefolium (Asteraceae) in western desert of Iraq
A. millefolium, morphology, polyploidization, western desert of IraqAbstract
In this study, morpho-anatomical features, Phytochemicals, palynology, and molecular analysis of Achillea millefolium growing in the western desert of Iraq were investigated. The general morphology of different plant parts (stem, leaf, bract, florets, fruit, and pollen grains) was studied. In this study, new anatomical information on this plant species like the type and frequency of both stomata and trichomes in both vegetative and reproductive parts of the plant and the type of mesophyll were reported. The total content of phenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, terpenoids, and saponins was also included. In this study molecular analysis was conduces to identify the genetic polymorphism of A. millefolium to assess the phylogenetic distribution of this based on its 18S ribosomal sequence, subsequently, a comprehensive phylogenetic tree was constructed in the observed variants for these sequences to reveal the accurate phylogenetic distance alongside other relative sequences. Our results confirmed the identity of the investigated plant sample as sequence reactions. Two ribosomal variations were identified in the investigated plant sample of A. millefolium, which were 54A>G and 55-56GA, the constructed phylogenetic tree revealed that these ribosomal variations were only a minor deviation within the identified clad of A. millefolium from there, the present tree provided an inclusive tool for the guaranteed identity of the investigated sample of A. millefolium.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Baydaa Abdul Sattar Atiyha, Talib O. Al-Khesraji

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