The nexus between migration and social protection: A gendered analysis
migration, social protection, gendered-analysis, psycho-social challenges, single-parent, poverty, marginalizedAbstract
This research paper analysed the link between migration and social protection. The psycho-social challenges faced by the children and spouses left behind were also examined. The study focused on families from Anglican churches in Harare suburb only. The sample of the study comprised of men and women as well as children left behind by those who would have left in search of greener pastures. It was established that those left behind are being marginalised in society. The study concluded that the absence of social protection agencies in investigating the lives of those left behind should be corrected. Religious leaders should encourage couples and families to stay together as one unit. Existing support structures need to lobby for a better system of care for the children and spouses left behind to ensure that all their rights as children, men and women are met adequately.
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