Construction of social capital index for rural West Bengal


  • Dr. Gargi Sinha Assistant Professor, Lady Brabourne College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India


social capital index, voting index, trust, cooperation


The Sustainable Livelihood Approach adopts the asset-based analysis of poverty to focus on the resource stock at the disposal of any poor community. The absence or short fall of the resources needed for a sustainable livelihood determines a community’s asset position. This approach looks beyond the parameter income and considers different types of assets of any community. The asset stock is very important in reducing or managing poverty of any region. Social capital is one such important asset which determines a community’s stock of social resources like cooperation, trust, fellow-feeling present in the community. Social capital is not uni-dimensional, in this paper we have taken mainly status of education and health of a community. So, the stock of social capital consists of different variables. The paper constructs a Social Capital Index (SCI), which considers education status and health status of the community/region. SCI consists of Voting Index (index of turn-out of voters in Panchayat Election) and Co-operative membership Index (index of percentage of people as members of village cooperative). This index can be used for quantifying a qualitative aspect like social capital (trust, cooperation etc.) in any economic study.


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How to Cite

Sinha, G. (2022). Construction of social capital index for rural West Bengal. Journal of Advanced Education and Sciences, 2(3), 28–32. Retrieved from


