Generalizations linked to socio-economic roles and production constraints of cassava among smallholder farmers in Nyaribari Chache Sub County, Kisii County
generalization, production, constraints, smallholder, kisiiAbstract
Cassava is an important crop among countries found in sub–Saharan Africa. The rapid growing of human population possesses great pressure on arable land. This study sought to better comprehend the generalizations linked to socio-economic roles and production constraints among smallholder farmers in Nyaribari Chache Sub Cfounty, Kisii County. A household survey was carried out for collection of primary data. Ten administrative sub-locations were randomly sampled for the study. Fifteen households were randomly sampled from each sub-location to make a sample size of 150 households. Questionnaires, interviews and focused group discussions were administered to collect data on generalizations linked to socio-economic roles and production constraints among smallholder farmers in Nyaribari Chache Sub County, Kisii County. Both descriptive (frequencies and percentages) and inferential analysis (t-test) were utilized to analyze data gathered. The analyzed data was presented using tables. The study established that there was various generalization on cassava which influenced its production, cassava vegetable crop had a variety of roles and also cassava production experienced various constraints among smallholder farmers in the study area. There was a statistical significance (p<005) among variables on generalization, socio-economic roles and production constraints on cassava production. This finding will be of significance to stakeholders especially ministry of agriculture and relevant Non-Governmental Organizations to formulate policies to govern production of cassava among small scale farmers in the study area and beyond.
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