Implementation of policy of recruitment procedures for placement classification of construction and evaluation of contract personal in the government environment Tomohon city (case study: Tomohon city regional secretariat)
implementation, recruitment, contract personnelAbstract
The environmental contract workers of the Tomohon City Government, including the Tomohon City Regional Secretariat, have basically been regulated in detail in the Tomohon Mayor Regulation starting from the recruitment procedure to the evaluation procedure, only if you look at the data and facts that occur in the field there are still many things that are found to be contradictory. deviate from the applicable laws and regulations. The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe the implementation of the policy on Recruitment, Placement, Classification, Coaching and Evaluation of Contract Workers in the Tomohon City Regional Secretariat. The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative and the collection technique is by observation, interviews and documentation. The informants in this study were the Head of the Tomohon City Organization, Head of the Tomohon City Organization Sub Division, Contract Workers at the Tomohon City Regional Secretariat and the Observer of Formal and Non-Formal Workers in the City of Tomohon. In general, the results of this research are that of the 5 (five) indicators of the implementation of the Recruitment, Placement, Classification, Coaching and Evaluation of Contract Workers in the Tomohon City Regional Secretariat, only 1 (one) has been running effectively, namely the size and objectives of the policy, while 4 ( four) other indicators, namely the sources of policy, communication between organizations and implementing activities, the attitude of the implementers, as well as the economic, social and political environment that has not been supportive/not yet effective.
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