Implementation of policies procedures for provision of additional income, employees in the regional secretariat environment tomorrow city
policy implementation, procedure, additional employee incomeAbstract
Provision of Additional Employee Income (TPP) to all Civil Servants (PNS) and Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) within the Tomohon City Government through Tomohon Mayor Regulation Number 4 of 2019 which is the Second Amendment to Tomohon Mayor Regulation Number 1 of 2014 concerning Governance The method of providing additional employee income within the Tomohon City Government is starting from the type/criteria for additional employee income, the evaluation component of additional employee income, the amount of the budget paid to the procedure for providing additional employee income, but in its implementation there are still a number of problems related to the implementation and Supervision in providing additional employee income within the Tomohon City Regional Secretariat The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of policies on procedures for providing additional employee income within the Tomohon City Regional Secretariat. The research used in this research is descriptive qualitative and the collection technique is by observation, interviews and documentation. In general, the result of this research is that of the 3 (three) indicators of policy implementation according to Charles O. Jones which is used to analyze the procedure for providing additional employee income within the Tomohon City Regional Secretariat, it has not been running optimally, namely organization, interpretation and application.
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