Yield potential and root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) resistance of six tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) genotypes
ghana, therapeutic values, parental line, reproduction factor, photosynthateAbstract
Six tomato genotypes were investigated for their yield and root-knot nematodes resistance potential. The screen house experiment was conducted at CSIR-Crops Research Institute in Kumasi, Ghana. Yield per ton was computed from fruit yield per plant and the reproductive potential of nematodes on the genotypes was determined using Oostenbrink’s reproduction factor (RF). Reproduction factor was determined as the final egg density (Pf) over the initial egg density (Pi) and mathematically represented as Rf = (Pf/Pi). Besides, plant height, average fruit weight and root-gall index were assessed. Significant differences (p < 0.001) were observed in average fruit weight and yield per plant amongst the six tomato genotypes. The treatment BC 1.1 recorded the greatest fruit weight (24.00) g while P2 recorded the lowest (11.13) g. Thus, BC 1.1 out-weighed P2 by approximately 53.6%. Similarly, BC1.1 (8.70 t/ha) out-yielded P2 (2.84 t/ha) by approximately 67.4%. Plant height however, did not record differences amongst treatments. Treatments reacted differently to root knot nematodes parasitism resulting in different levels of root gall formation. The treatment P2 recorded the least index of 0.97 while P1 recorded the highest index of 8.10. Reproduction factor followed the same pattern as P2 recorded the lowest (0.06) and P1 the highest (2.93). The treatments P2 and P1 were considered resistant and susceptible respectively.
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