Impact of air pollution on floral morphology of Nerium oleander


  • Dr. Sarika Yadav Associate Professor, Department of Botany, Agra College, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India


Air pollution, Nerium oleander, Floral morphology, Petal deformation, Reproductive structures, Pollution stress, Bio-indicator, Urban environment, Plant physiology


Plants face severe danger from air contamination because it changes many plant characteristics from the morphological to the physiological and biochemical levels. The research investigates floral morphological effects of air pollution on Nerium oleander which serves as a common ornamental and pollution-tolerant bush. Analysts studied four essential morphological flower characteristics in specimens obtained from polluted sites alongside specimens collected from non-polluted areas. Plants under elevated pollution exhibited petal deformities along with smaller flowers and petal discoloration and stamen-pistil developmental anomalies. Nerium oleander plants growing at two different sites (polluted and low polluted) on various places showed considerable differences in their floral morphology and floral biology. The flowers of polluted areas i.e. along the M.G Road of Agra showed marked reduction in flowering density, colour, size of the floral parts; Pollen fertility, stigmatic receptivity and fruit & seed set as compared to the low polluted areas i.e. gardens of Taj Mahal and Shahjahan Garden. These changes were found to be closely associated with the extent of air pollution caused mainly vehicular area which is injurious to floral parts. These alterations suggest that air pollutants, may interfere with normal floral development, potentially affecting pollination success and plant reproductive health.


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How to Cite

S. Yadav, “Impact of air pollution on floral morphology of Nerium oleander”, Int. J. Phytol. Res., vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 30–32, May 2022.


