Green chiretta (Andrographis paniculata) as medicinal herb
Andrographis paniculate, A. serpyllifoliaAbstract
Green chiretta (Andrographis paniculata) is an annual herbaceous plant and is extensively cultivated in Southern Asia, China and some parts of Europe. Moist shady places, forests, and wastelands are preferable for their well development. This plant grows abundantly in Southern and Southeastern Asia including India, Java, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Indonesia, while it is cultivated in India, China, Thailand, Brunei, Indonesia, the West Indies such as Jamaica, Barbados, and Bahamas, Hong Kong, and the tropical areas in America and also in southwestern Nigeria. In traditional medicine, A. paniculata is widely used to get rid of body heat, dispel toxins from the body; prevent common cold, upper respiratory tract infections including sinusitis and fever and as an antidote against poisons of snakes and insects. Andrographis leaf and stem might work by stimulating the immune system. It might also prevent flu viruses from binding to cells in the body. The plant has been reported to exhibit various mode of biological activities in vivo as well as in vitro viz., antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus), immunomodulating/ immunostimulatory and anticancer. The plant showed potential therapeutic action in curing liver disorders, common cough and colds in human. The presence of important phytochemicals in A. paniculata makes the plant useful for treating different ailments and has a potential of providing useful drugs of human use. The quantitative determination of pharmacognostic parameters will help for setting standards for crude drugs.
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