Traditional medicinal aspects of some plants of Kinnaur and lahaul spiti tribal habitat of north west himalayan region of H.P.: a review
herbal potential, north western himalayaAbstract
Plant plays significant role in the life span of human beings. They are helpful to satisfy the basic needs of human beings. They are traditionally used by rural tribal communities for food, shelter clothing, religious and mainly for herbal medicine for treatment of various health problems prevailing in tribal areas. The tribal peoples of North Western Himalayan region of H.P has good faith on traditional herbal remedies for treatment of health problems. These people have great traditional wisdom of herbal potential local plants tribal habitat and their mode of administration of herbal drug and utilization of plant parts and products to cure various disease. This paper reviews the work on traditional wisdom about the utilization of herbal potential of some common plants of tribal habitat of Kinaur and Lahaul Spiti of North Western Himalayan region of H.P. The Kinner tribes which are inhabitants of district Kinnaur of Himachal Pradesh uses some plants of this tribal habitat for traditional health practices such as root decoction of Aconitum heterophyllum is used in case of stomach problems, bark powder of Betula utilis is used to cure epilepsy, the leaves of Fagopyrum esculentum is used traditionally for treatment of pain due to rheumatism. There are some plants which are found in tribal habitat and cold desert of Himachal Pradesh which are traditionally used by tribal communities of Lahaul and Spiti for treatment various ailments such as Achillea millefolium is used to cure hepatic disorders, Hyoscymas Niger plant is used incase tooth problems, Waldhemia tomentosa plant is used to cure pain in joint and in rheumatic problem. Due to advancement in technology and modernization in life style, the traditional knowledge about the herbal potential of plants is eroding day by day. So, it is the need of hour to conserve and document this traditional wisdom and also transmit this traditional knowledge from one generation to another technologically.
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