Reaction of different finger millet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.,] genotypes against earhead caterpillar incidence
Finger millet, Eleusine coracana, seasonal incidence and earhead caterpillarsAbstract
The experiment was conducted during kharif 2018 at Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Vishweswaraiah Canal Farm, Mandya (Karnataka), to study the response of different finger millet genotypes against incidence earhead caterpillars during dough stage of the crop. The experiment comprising three different dates of sowing viz., 30th June, 2018, 17st of July, 2018 and 31th of July, 2018 with eight promising genotypes of finger millets viz., Indaf-5 X IE2936, IE9500 X MR-6, L-5 X IE2924, Indaf-5 X IE2712, Indaf-5 X GE1409, L-5 X IE2656, PR202 X GE1409 and Udaru mallige.. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with three replications. The entries viz., Indaf-5 X IE2936 (1.07 & 31.5%), Indaf-5 X GE1409 (1.32 & 31.1%), IE9500 X MR-6 (1.34 & 31.9%) and PR202 X GE1409 (1.60 & 51.9%) were recorded significantly lowest larval mean values and per cent of earhead caterpillar incidence compared to the susceptible check Udaru mallige (2.90 & 71.3 %), these varieties possesses semi compact and compact type of earheads, The fingers loosely held each other, harboured fewer pest individuals and the entries viz., L-5 X IE2924 (3.06 & 64.1%), Indaf-5 X IE2712 (3.21 & 71.1%) and L-5 X IE2656 (3.03 & 64.4%) were recorded significantly highest mean larval values and per cent of earhead caterpillar incidence and were on par with the susceptible check Udaru mallige (2.90 & 71.3%), these entries possesses fist type of earheads and the larval mean values and per cent of earhead caterpillar incidence was in increasing trend from early kharif to mid kharif to late kharif, it was found that highest incidence earhead caterpillar was noticed at later dates of sowing of the crop.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Nagesh Malasiddappa Chikkarugi, Vijaykumar Lingaraj, Raveendra Haldodderi Rangaswamy, Shivanna Boraiah

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