Association of the aphids (Insecta: Homoptera: Aphididae) with pteridophytes and gymnosperms of India
aphids, aphididae, checklist, gymnosperms, host-plant association, lycophytes, pteridophytesAbstract
The paper deals with the association of aphids with two major groups of plants, pteridophytes and gymnosperms in India. Of the 597 species grouped into 10 families of the pteridophytes, 30 species of plants are colonised by 20 species of aphids under 16 genera. Among them, the Pteridaceae are more vulnerable to aphid attack (17 species of plants infested by 11 species of aphids). Similarly, of the 104 species grouped into 5 families of the gymnosperms, 24 species of plants are colonised by 42 species of aphids under 13 genera. Among them, the Pinaceae are more susceptible to aphid attack (12 species of plants infested by 32 species of aphids). Out of 61 species of the aphids recorded on pteridophytes and gymnosperms, 58 species are almost monophagous. Highly polyphagous species are Micromyzodium filicium David (12 plant species belonging to 8 genera and 4 families), followed by Amphorophora (Amphorophora) ampullata bengalensis Hille Ris Lambers & Basu (6 plant species belonging to 6 genera and 3 families) and Cinara (Cinara) atrotibialis David & Rajasingh (6 plant species belonging to 3 genera and 2 families). Most of the pteridophytes are associated with the aphids belonging to the subfamily Aphidinae while the gymnosperms are infested by the aphids belonging to the subfamily Lachninae.
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