First record of stink bug Degonetus serratus distant, 1887 (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) with two color morphs from Goa, India
Degonetus, stink bug, tribe, color morph, GoaAbstract
Genus Degonetus is widely distributed in India. This is a single genus in the tribe Degonetini (Azim & Shafee, 1984) and comes under subfamily Pentatominae of family Pentatomidae. In this tribe Degonetini the stink bugs are different than other stink bugs in the aspect of antennae. Stink bugs in the family Pentatomidae should have five antennal segments but species of this genus has only four segments in their antennae. There are only two described species: Degonetus serratus and Degonetus sikkimensis. In India Degonetus serratus was previously recorded from Bombay, Maharashtra in 1887, Nedungayam, Kerala in 1934, Bengaluru, Karnataka in 1955, Pusa, Bihar in 2011, Yekollu, Andhra Pradesh in 2016. Now, it was recorded from Goa state for the first time with two color morphs in 2018.
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