The incidence of nosema spp. on honey bees (Apis mellifera) colonies in Pakistan
Apis mellifera, nosema spp, apiaries, colonies, humidityAbstract
Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) are important for the production of many valuable products such as honey, royal jelly, pollen, propolis, beeswax, bee venom, and play an important role in the pollination of different crops. Several parasites and pathogens, including Nosema spp. affect honeybee colonies. Nosemosis is produced by a microsporidian now considered a fungus that causes adult honey bee disorder. It infects the honeybee population and honey production. In this study the detection of Nosemosis (Nosema spp.) in A. mellifera and their affect on honeybee colonies. The samples of worker bees were collected from colonies of five different apiaries located at Honeybee Research Institute, National Agriculture Research Center Islamabad (HBRI NARC) in July and August of 2019. The result showed that out of 80 honeybee colonies, 20 colonies were found infected with Nosema spore. The infestation percentage of Nosema in honeybee colonies was found higher in July as compared to August. The higher infestation of Nosema in July might be due to higher relative humidity compared to August.
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